Every business has a need to grow. We help scale businesses by providing a full tech stack, aggregated merchant solution & a ready customer base.
For merchants looking for more customers, corporates looking to motivate a particular group of people or an end consumer/member of any of our programs, we have ready-to-go solutions for every segment.
We manage the fulfilment of multiple valuable programs, offering a catalogue of thousands of merchants serving over half a million members or end customers.
We’ve built an emars Rewards Cloud to help efficiently engage, inspire and motivate your employees and customers, all while minimizing the time you need to spend worrying about it.
Loyal, repeat customers, high performing staff, quality dealers or any asset in a value chain, all help grow your business. Our RMS increases customer loyalty thus helping businesses achieve their desired goals.
Financing purchases within the loyalty & reward space to buy or pay for ‘any’ merchandise or service via the digital wealth accumulated in programs supported by emars is a completely novel idea & service.
Our instant payment option to members/ end customers to pay for anything of their desire from a merchant of their choice takes reward redemption to a whole new level. This offers users a delightfully unmatched experience.
Our RMS offers complete tax transparency and compliance in accordance with UAE’s new laws on VAT & Corporate tax, ensuring that you are fully compliant when purchasing or redeeming a service.